Wednesday, July 08, 2009

This is the iron works stamp dated from 1890 to 1903.
This is the tiny town of McCarthy which sits 1 mile down the road from
Kennicott which was a closed controlled mining work operation. It
remained a dry town and only had 6 female employees of which were
the nurses and also one teacher for the children of Kennicott.
This is the Millhouse in which all the copper minerals were taken out of the stone through a crushing process. It has 14 stories and remains the largest (or highest) wooden structure in the US today. It is owned by the Park Service as of 1993 and is in the process of repair. An estimated 40,000 visitors visit this National Park in the Wrangell St. Elias Mtns.
This building has survived the massive '64 earthquake and many

1 comment:

chaos and craziness.... said...

it sounds like you and my mom have the same "mileage measurements"... mom said it was just a couple mile walk from Kennicott to McCarthy... but when we got down there after a couple hours of walking we asked a local.. she said, 'it's 5 miles, and i'm impressed, i still haven't walked down'... so your 1 mile comment makes me smile!!! :)