Monday, November 02, 2009

Renstrom Residence on Rocky River Road

Here is Adam and Natalie's GORGEOUS home on a beautiful 3.5 acres surrounded by pecan trees and and a lovely lawn, shrubs, garden area etc. Presently, their home is in the rough stage but soon to be polished to perfection. The fireplace is a cool highlight which can be seen from the livingroom and also kitchen. They have a practical floorplan which will work well for their family. Everything is going smoothly and soon to be painted and trimmed by Phil. I was able to help a little by tearing down sheetrock from walls and ceiling in the hallway area. Usually, I am afraid of heights, but this time I was up on the tiptop of the ladder (they have 10 ft. ceilings) tearing sheetrock off piece by piece. I really enjoyed it!! I wish I could see the rest of it come together but now it's only through Natalie's blog Rocky River Farmhouse.