Sunday, February 22, 2009

  1. Here we are up at Hatcher's Pass for our first of the year skiing adventure. We actually haven't been skiing in years and thought we would try out our new/bargain equipment. Bernie bought his skiis at a garage sale (bindingless) and I got mine also at a garage sale for free. My boots were regular price and his were $35.00. His bindings were not too badly priced so all in all, we got a deal. The weather was somewhat overcast and the trail wasn't set but we still had fun. It was all uphill but going back was fun. Mostly there were snowboarders, snowmachines, families sledding, and some people on snowshoes. We met a nice couple who were out skiing with their 9 month old baby and walking their husky. Bernie snapped their picture and now I need to e-mail it to them.


Katie said...

okay, you and your husband are the cutest married couple EVER!!!! I love the pics of you two skiing!!

Love ya,

Katie Lee

Bridgette said...

That's so great that Kiefer Sutherland knows how to ski!

Adam and Natalie said...

Ha ha. That's funny you posted their picture on the world wide web. Beautiful pics with the mtn's in the background.