Saturday, October 27, 2007

Tiny Basketball Coach and the" Fall Fun Fling"

Here are a few photos from Angie's first game. The team didn't actually show so they scrimmaged against the boys who won. It was a good way to get the jitters out of their system for the first game though. Tuesday they play again so we'll keep you posted. We think it's kind of funny how the coach is shorter than some of the players.

Friday night was the night for the Fall Fun Fling at church. You can see Fred and Wilma and the cutest little Bamm Bamm ever. He was so full of energy. The guy sporting his Austrian hat and authentic leather vest is none other than Bernie Kale. He even yodeled for a few friends. We worked the hula hoop booth and enjoyed ourselves tremendously. There was a great turnout and always so much fun to see the children and their parents enjoying themselves. Carsten did have fun (these pictures don't show it) but thought he would like to have been Buzz Lightyear, Batman, or perhaps Spiderman. I think he wanted to change costumes all night. Maybe he thought he could exchange with someone and be a Super Hero. He is a hero Bob the Builder.

1 comment:

Adam and Natalie said...

Great costume Dad! Carsten is so cute. I love his facial expression. Tell Angiepants good luck tomorrow.