Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Eight Random Things About Myself...

I've been tagged by Natalie so here goes. I've so enjoyed reading the random things about my daughters and their friends and, I'm a little unsure of what my response would be.

1. I so admired, respected, and loved my grandfather on my mother's side. He lived with us off and on while I was growing up. He helped by always fixing and repairing things around our home. He never complained and he made us all laugh. He was sweet and sensitive. He even baked homemade rolls for us. When we got home from school, he would have a warm snack ready for us. In some ways, Bernie reminds me of my grandfather because he is incredibly handy and can fix, build, and repair almost anything.

2. We have been blessed with four wonderful children who taught me much about myself. I didn't know anything about raising kids since I was the first to get married in my family. Little by little and with God's help and grace, Bernie and I have thoroughly enjoyed parenting. Laughter and a sense of humor sure does help.

3. I used to be awkward and completely unassertive. When we were building our duplex, Bernie was gone a good part of the time. I would take the three girls who were, Natalie an infant, Gretchen a 3 yr old and Bridgette a 4 yr old to Pay N Pak to buy lighting fixtures or whatever. Sometimes it was very busy and chaotic. I also had to deal with hiring a carpet layer, talk to the contractor, find someone to install the vinyl and choose the colors and patterns etc. going to the different stores. It brought me out of my shell so to speak because of necessity.

4. I love dark chocolate and I really do enjoy hazelnut and coffee icecream.

5. I think my mom and my sisters are some of the best cooks ever.

6. I used to be so scared when the kids rode their bicycyles close to the edge of the white line and also when we rode over the overpass it used to freak me out. I have a fear of heights. Also I hate it when Bernie gets on a high ladder to hang windows or do whatever. I have to close my eyes.

7. I love to ride on the back of the motorcycle with Bernie. He's such a good driver. We have this great intercom system and listen to music or talk. It helps if its a nice day. I don't like it if he goes too fast and I let him know it.

8. My mom is one of my greatest heroes. She gives of her time and talent always and her policy is open heart - open home. She loves to entertain and so do I. She always told me if you want your house to get cleaned, invite someone over. She's right!!

9. This is a bonus. Grandparenting is the best. Our grandkids are so smart, cute, funny and beautiful. We absolutely think the world of Emme, Levi, Finn, and Greta. I pray we will be good grandparents.

I forgot that I need to tag someone so I tag DeEtta, Ramona, and Susie. So let's hear from you ladies!!


Bridgette said...

You? Unassertive? Hmmmm, I'll have to think about that one. :)

I love the one of your grandfather. I think I must get my sweetness from him.:)

I think YOU are an awesome cook. And mom and grandma for that matter.

Definitely a sense of humor goes a long way in our family. Some of my best memories are of everyone laughing together. Like for instance, Gretchen in her black and white checked business suit. Good laughs.

Phil, Gretch, and Finn said...

how about you, Bridge, in your teacher outfit...

Natalie said... one has anything to say about my senior picture. Probably because I was a bombshell. Mom, I think that's very sweet about your Grandpa. Especially making rolls and having after school snacks for all of you. I think he would be very proud of you today to see you as a parent and a grandma. I know we are!

Heather said...

Kathe, I loved reading this! You really do have fond memories and feelings for your family. That is great!