Sunday, May 06, 2007


Here are just a few random pictures of what we did last week. These are my good friends I went to CHS with Joy Powell McCall and Dianne Boehm Bassett. Dianne and I were cheerleaders together and Joy was the smartest student in our school!! Dianne has been here for the past year (only I didn't know it) and Joy has been home for about 4 or 5 yrs (she's a former missionary to Haiti). We got together for the second time to visit and talk and remminisce and, this time I remembered my camera. It's been 32 years since we graduated and moved on and amazing to see how God has blessed us and let our paths cross. Joy and I go to the same church and Dianne goes to church in ER.

Here is our little camping trailer we bought two years ago and Dad has been diligently working on it. He took it completely apart and rebuilt it and added fancy lights etc. Thanks to Chris Yelverton for the awesome paint job. He outdid himself on this project. The former owners came over last week and they don't even recognize it. Once it warms up, we will take it camping for the two of us.

The other pictures is of Dad. Gretchen and I got such a kick out of watching him and Finn sleep so good last week on the recliner after he came home from work. He went to sleep in about five minutes...deep sleep with very aduible snoring coming from Dad. Finn didn't move a muscle and loved it, sleeping in the crook of his arm going up and down with each exhaling. It was priceless.

1 comment:

Adam and Natalie said...

That picture is adorable. Looks like Gretchen needs to get a new noise machine of Dad snoring now.