Sunday, April 22, 2007

HOORAY!!! Our first camping trip of 2007 and we decided to go to Seward. I had a 3-day weekend due to a school in-service and Bernie took the day off. We packed our bicycles and stopped and shopped for groceries in Anchorage. It is such a blessing to just go and not have to pack everything but the kitchen sink.

We invited both the Grandmothers and also Gretchen, Phil, and Finn down. The great-grandmas couldn't make it this trip but Phil, Gretchen, and Finn came and spent Saturday and Sunday with us. We all had a good time and the weather was beautiful! Psalms 148. "Praise him, sun and moon. Praise him all you shining stars. Praise him highest heavens and you waters above the sky. Let them praise the Lord beause they were created by his command. He put them in place forever and ever; he made a law that will never change. Praise the Lord from the earth you large sea animals and all the oceans...


Bridgette said...

yay mom! Looks great. Thanks for the pictures. I love that you took Sophie too. Finn looks cozy in his front pack!

Adam and Natalie said...

Fuuuuuunnnnnnnnn.... So, who "caught" who?